Tooth Wear Treatment

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Tooth Wear Treatment


At Duncan Dental, nestled in the heart of Tauranga at our 11th Avenue and Elizabeth Street locations, we pride ourselves in addressing the intricate challenges of tooth wear. Understanding the root of the problem is the first step towards achieving optimal oral health.

Tooth wear might seem a simple wear and tear issue, but it's a multifaceted dental concern that can profoundly impact your oral health. Predominantly, there are three distinct types of tooth wear: erosion, attrition, and abrasion.

Erosion: This is characterized by the chemical dissolution of a tooth's protective enamel. It’s akin to the rusting of metal, only it happens in our mouths. Acid is the primary culprit. These acids can be derived from two main sources - internal, such as stomach acid which can creep into the mouth, or external like those found in our diet. Over time, this progressive erosion not only weakens enamel but also exposes the sensitive underlying layers, increasing the risk of decay.

Attrition: Ever woken up with a sore jaw? You might be clenching or grinding your teeth at night. Such tooth-to-tooth contact causes what we refer to as attrition. The repercussions are particularly pronounced for individuals with habits like clenching or grinding, as it accelerates the wearing down process.

Abrasion: This type of wear occurs when our teeth rub against foreign objects. Common culprits include aggressive brushing with a toothbrush, habitual biting of nails, or chewing on pens. It’s more common than most realize and can intensify tooth sensitivity.

In many cases, patients experience a blend of these wear types. When combined, they amplify the damage, making the condition more challenging to manage and treat. However, at Duncan Dental, our dedicated team is adept at diagnosing and formulating personalized treatments to combat and reverse the effects of tooth wear. Entrust us with your smile, and we'll ensure it remains radiant and strong.

Important facts

Average time for procedure

30 mins to 2 hours

Average cost

Dependant on the extent of tooth-wear $275-$2000

Number of visits

From 1 to multiple